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The Power of Advanced Technology to Secure Your Perimeter - Wren Solutions

Written by Wren Solutions | Jan 29, 2021 3:13:24 PM

Gone are the days of using fences and threatening signage to deter unwanted groups from parking lots and properties during nights and after hours. Perimeter security solutions today are much smarter and more dynamic than legacy solutions and have unprecedented capabilities that can prove extremely effective for deterring unwanted groups and behaviors during any time of day or night.

Consisting of intelligent devices, managed by simple-to-use software, supporting multiple types of detection technologies, with attention-grabbing and responsive audio-visual messaging, advanced perimeter security solutions are designed to deter unwanted individuals and activities before they reach the physical building. The newest perimeter security solutions can be used both during business operations and after hours and have the power to leverage other physical security systems already in place. This allows different components to work in harmony to intelligently detect key triggers and initiate system response. Here are some ways to enhance the efficacy of your perimeter security system with advanced technologies.

  • Integrate with video analytic software – Video analytics are a powerful tool for detecting a range of specific conditions, which can then trigger different responses. For example, one particular message may play if someone approaches the store after hours: “Thank you for visiting our store. We are now closed but will reopen tomorrow at 9:00 AM.” A suspicious package abandoned near the building after hours may trigger a notification to a manager to investigate. While detection of individuals gathered on a tailgate may initiate a more aggressive message indicating that local authorities have been contacted. Video analytics enable responses to match specific behaviors, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of your perimeter security system.
  • Configure multiple zones – Dynamic perimeter security solutions allow for easy configuration of multiple zones (front of store, side parking lot, back entrance, etc.). This set-up enables you to program custom responses based on specified conditions and circumstances including motion detection, time of day, or area of exterior. This means that someone approaching the back entrance in the middle of the night will receive a different system response than someone who is driving into the lot in the morning an hour before the store opens.
  • Custom schedules – Customize schedules to deliver unique responses to different areas depending on the time of day. For example, use the system to direct suspect individuals walking in employee-only areas behind the store to the front of the store during business hours. Then switch to more aggressive messages indicating that this property is monitored by security personnel after hours. Customize messages for holidays to let visits know that the store is closed and when it will reopen.
  • Leverage wireless to extend range of solution – Using wireless technology, it’s easy to deploy perimeter security to the far reaches of your property without expensive cable runs in and out of the store. With a simple power connection, the solution can be installed easily across areas of your building’s exterior and parking lot, deterring individuals before they get close to the building.
  • Include manual response initiation – By integrating the system with key fobs or buttons to initiate specific responses, you allow employees who may be working late to send deterrent responses if they notice strangers approaching the store at night. This system can also be used during the day in response to suspicious behaviors or menacing visitors who may approach the back of the store during the business hours. This empowers employees with an effective security tool and helps provide peace of mind. 
  • Leverage remote, browser-based user interface – Leverage user-friendly, browser-based interfaces to easily change messaging, update zone settings or change response hours or escalations to accommodate business hour procedures, weekends, holidays or other events.

By integrating your perimeter security solution with your existing systems, you can extend your protection to the edges of your property and amplify your overall retail loss prevention/asset protection program. To learn more about perimeter security solutions and how they can reduce loss, download our white paper, “Secure Your Perimeter to Reduce Losses, Increase Safety & Improve Customer Experience: A How-To Guide for Retailers.

To learn how you can enhance your store’s perimeter security, connect with one of our specialists to develop a unique solution for you.